All the test are delivered, with no more costs, and in the future all new test and update on the test will be directly delivered to you

For now all our package will be delivered with a 6 year included costs.
After this you will pay a yearly quote just for the maintaining costs, about 150 dollar per year.

No problem at all our staff is at your disposal feell free to contact us or better ask your pratictioner to contact us and to explain better to you.

At the moment the time for the analysis is  long, due to our total dna process, usually you will receive it in 8-10 weeks, but on home page you will found the exact time at the moment depending on the quantity of sample that our scans are processing.

Sure no problem you have a button to do this in your control panel, we will just ask you a confirmation for our archive.

We will contact you asking the payment 30 days before the annuality, if you don't want to renew we will delete all the datas 21 days after the end of the annuality. If you want to recover them you have to restart the process, we will not have any data

Once the scan end the process our genetic medical staff check the results, if nothing request a second analysis so the sample will be automatically destroyed after 21 days.

No, your privacy with us is guaranted at 100% (and more).

we ask you fairly the price, all included and don't comunicate the result not even in anonymously format

Example you'll give your son the test as gift when he is 10 days old, but in 20 years if the authority would like to check the dna sample?
No we won't give anyone access to our datas, this is why all the data are stored in Switzerland.

Quite no one, only 2 programmer (founders) at the moment could cross the data from people order and results. All the rest of the stuff works only with a reference number.